Welcome to our Hilltop Farm page. Mr geko has always enjoyed drawing and art spending his college years at Yorkshire Coast College, Scarborough, dipping his toes into many different media. Upon leaving Mr geko went out in to the world to gain meaningful employment in 1997 and chanced upon a job as a trainee glass cutter. Mr geko has remained in the glass industry in one way or another since then. However his interest in art has remained in the background, that is until a life long friend Mr Trinity came to him with an idea, a crazy but intriguing idea that brought it right back into the foreground. The idea was as follows, in Mr Trinity's own words:-

"I was challenged to write a farmyard children's picture book based on a friend's daughter's soft toy cow she called Frederick. The toy had a tie but no trousers on and I developed the idea from that: I wanted the story to explain why Frederick wasn't wearing any trousers, so I came up with the idea that it was because he could only see the top half of the people sitting on the bus, but was intrigued by the idea of a city that he'd never seen up close. I've known 'West' for over 20 years - he was the first illustrator I thought of ".
Mr Trinity

So challenge accepted, we set to work and after a lot of chin-wags over many, many mugs of coffee, Fred, his pals and their adventures where born.
On our journey to the finished product Fred went through many design changes as myself and Mr Trinity had different ideas about how our little creation should look. One of the main areas of conflict was should 'he' have udders!
Finally, with all the important decisions out of the way Fred and his little adventure were 'udder' way. Within no time at all it was finished and with funding from Mr Trinity himself we had a book, and as they say the rest is history.
So with our interest in doodling once again rekindled and plans for a series of books about the adventures of the 'Hill top farm' gang in the pipe line we set to work doodling away.
The rest of this page shows our scribblings for the up and coming range of cards and stationary..................................
Enjoy! 'West', Mr geko also know as Paul!